Alert (object[] args)
Return: void |
Shows all given params in message screen; |
Comment (object[] args)
Return: void |
Shows data in the chart window; |
ConvertUTCTimeToSelectedTimeZone (DateTime timeUTC)
Return: DateTime |
Convert UTC time to selected time zone; |
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback)
Return: Timer |
Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script |
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int period)
Return: Timer |
Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script |
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, long dueTime, long period)
Return: Timer |
Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script |
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period)
Return: Timer |
Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script |
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, uint dueTime, uint period)
Return: Timer |
Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script |
GetHashedPassword (string password)
Return: string |
Gets the cryped password |
GetHistoricalData (HistoricalDataRequest request)
Return: HistoricalData |
Represent access to created historical data request. |
GetLastError ()
Return: int |
Returns the last error code; then this value will be zeroized; |
GetLastErrorDescription ()
Return: string |
Returns the last error code; then this value will be zeroized; |
IsTesting ()
Return: bool |
Gets true if script was runned by tester; |
OnPaintChart (object sender, PaintChartEventArgs args)
Return: void |
Drawing char |
OnStartStatement (int id, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, string signature)
Return: long |
-- |
PlaySound (string fileName)
Return: void |
Plays one of the standard sounds; |
Print (object[] args)
Return: void |
Stores the string in logs; |
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack)
Return: Thread |
Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script |
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack, object state)
Return: Thread |
Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script |
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack, object state, ApartmentState apartmentState)
Return: Thread |
Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script |
SendEmail (string address, string subject, string body, string filename)
Return: void |
Sends a message via e-mail; |
SendEmail (string address, string subject, string body)
Return: void |
Sends a message via e-mail; |
SendEmail (string subject, string body)
Return: void |
Sends a message via e-mail; |