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All chart's graphic access


BackgroundBottomColor Color Access chart background bottom color.
BackgroundTopColor Color Access chart background upper color.
BarsPerChart int How many bars are placed in the chart (scale type)
BarsWidth int Returns a current width of candle bar
BodyBottomColor Color Access chart area bottom color.
BodyUpColor Color Access chart area top color.
CurrentColorTheme ColorTheme Retrieves current client theme.
MainWindow Window Description of the main chart window
RightOffset int Offset to 0 visibility rules bar on the chart (non-zero if there is an offset to the right of the chart)
Settings ChartSettings Get chart settings
VisibleBarsCount int The number of bars visible on the chart (c considering the holes if they are included)


FindWindow (string name) Return: int If indicator with name was found, the function returns the window index containing this specified indicator, otherwise it returns -1;
FindWindow (Indicator indicator) Return: int If indicator with name was found, the function returns the window index containing this specified indicator, otherwise it returns -1;
FindWindow (NETIndicator indicator) Return: int If indicator with name was found, the function returns the window index containing this specified indicator, otherwise it returns -1;
GetAllWindows () Return: Window[] All chart window
GetBarOffset (int displayIndex) Return: int price index for a query of Historical data displayIndex = [0, VisibleBarsCount - 1] -1 If the bar is no such index (a hole or out of bounds)
GetChartControl () Return: Control Returns the chart's control
GetChartPoint (DateTime time, double price) Return: PointF Grasps a point on chart field according to y-axes presented by price and x-axes by time on main window.
GetChartPoint (DateTime time, double price, int windowNumber) Return: PointF Grasps a point on chart field according to y-axes presented by price and x-axes by time on main window or any sub window by given number.
GetChartPoint (DateTime time, double price, int windowNumber, bool allowIntrabar) Return: PointF Grasps a point on chart field according to y-axes presented by price and x-axes by time on main window or any sub window by given number with intrabar option.
GetIndicators () Return: Indicator[] Gets all indicators added to the current chart
GetTimePrice (PointF point) Return: TimePrice Provides DateTime object on the given main chart point.
GetTimePrice (PointF point, int windowNumber) Return: TimePrice Provides DateTime object on given main chart point or any sub window by given number.
GetTimePrice (float x, float y) Return: TimePrice Provides DateTime object on the given main chart coordinates.
GetTimePrice (float x, float y, int windowNumber) Return: TimePrice Provides DateTime object on the given main chart coordinates or any sub window by given number.
PointToClient (Point p) Return: Point Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates.
PointToScreen (Point p) Return: Point Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates.
Refresh () Return: void Launches forced update chart
PTMC is a professional trading platform that combines all the best charting and analytical tools to trade on different financial markets. It is developed by PFSOFT UK LTD, a global provider of trading technology for banks & brokers
© 2025. PTMC is based on Protrader technology
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