General discussion
General area to discuss PTMC
How to Place to ask any questions about functionality411422 352
License questions Place to ask any questions about license33149 16PTMC OFFLINE ???09.10.2019 by Aydingünes
Trading issues In this section you can discuss general trading issues, strategies, indicators, trading industry news11619 9Your experiences with binary options?29.07.2019 by kosarica
Common questions If you don't know where to place your question - use this category135937 68
Protrader 3 discussions For those who uses Protrader 3 trading platform41928 21
CROSS TRADE trading championship All about this free trading championship8113 3What is CROSS TRADE 2016?17.08.2016 by Makuschenko Sergey
Code base Protrader 3 Scripts and codes for those who uses Protrader 371611 27[Share] WarriorTrading – Day Trading Course10.06.2019 by thanhthanh2309tt
All that refers to custom coding for PTMC
Functionality enhancement Need more functionality in AlgoStudio?22178 10
PTMC C# API Ask questions about PTMC C# API usage71352 37How to get in placed Horizontal Lines?07.05.2020 by vanz
PTMC scripts examples Learn the principles of coding for PTMC on code examples22199 10[Share] John Locke – The Trading Triangle Maui 201607.06.2019 by gum123t
Custom script request Ask professional coders to develop your script6271 2
AlgoStudio bugs Help us to improve AlgoStudio22953 11Problem with renko20.03.2018 by pontualtrabalho
PTMC Brokers
All about the brokers and data feeds, PTMC is connected to
CQG CQG is the industry’s highest-performing solution for integrated trade routing, global market data, and advanced analytics10812 5Important! Incorrect work with CQG connection03.08.2017 by Support team
AMP Futures AMP Global Clearing is a Chicago-based FCM)providing access to the global electronic futures markets4925 2Can't enable PROTRADER MULTI-CONNECT on CQG30.10.2017 by deon.cui
Interactive Brokers Interactive Brokers is a reliable brokerage firm and one of the largest FCM22250 11Warning - Trading Halt22.11.2017 by wsDK_II.msn
IQFeed Reliable data feed with high quality market data - IQFeed which provides deep historical and real time data25800 12Market-maker names in Market depth and Time&Sales24.10.2017 by n0name
Quandl Financial and economic data from hundreds of publishers and sources0 0FXCM Leading online provider of FOREX22582 11Learn to trade Forex from the scratch19.07.2018 by annysteven12345LMAX Exchange FCA regulated MTF (Multilateral Trading Facility) for FX trading26503 10
In contact with trader
PTMC mutual development
Trading platform enhancements Add or update functionality79331 37Choosing a Reliable Cryptocurrency Trading Platform!16.04.2024 by kosarica
Bug reports If any occurs111120 56
What's new Updates and releases7977 3Crypto Exchange Bridge to Maker Model Exchanges29.08.2017 by rep
Website enhancements Any comments about website functionality?4957 2Add search functionality to the forums15.08.2016 by dreyes
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Общие вопросы Для нас все вопросы важны!74799 35Почему нет отображения сluster and volume10.02.2019 by zbk76169