Mediates a history meta data with available data types and intervals on vendor side
HistoryTypes HistoryDataTypes[] | History data types |
Periods int[] | History intervals |
PlatformAPI.Integration classes
- Account
- AccountAdditionalInfoItem
- AdditionalInfoItem
- Asset
- BarHistoryItem
- ConnectionResult
- CrossPrice
- DealTicket
- DealTicketItem
- Instrument
- InstrumentAdditionalInfoItem
- InstrumentDayBarMessage
- LimitOrderTypeWrapper
- MarketOrderTypeWrapper
- Order
- OrderModificationPermissions
- OrderParameters
- OrderTypeWrapper
- PingResult
- Position
- Quote1
- Quote2
- QuoteBase
- Report
- ReportCell
- ReportColumn
- ReportMetaData
- ReportRow
- SlTpParameters
- StopOrderTypeWrapper
- SubscribeQuotesParameters
- Trade
- TradingOperationResult
PlatformAPI.Integration enums