horizontal line on single chart
using the grid functionality, when I add a horizontal line to a chart, it automatically adds that line to all the charts in the grid.
Is there any way to configure the system such that any line I add is only added to a single chart?
Thank you,
Hi, Mike!
Thank's for your question.
Most likely you have activated the checkbox "Synchronize with charts" in the Drawing settings by default.
In the Drawing settings you should to disactivate the checkbox "Synchronize with charts" and to click: "Set as default" => "Apply" => "Close".
Hello again, grynberg!
Thank's for your help.
We found out what was the matter.
Maybe, you have old Grid on your workspace. Because, your Grid has the same ID for different Charts. This is wrong.
After updating PTMC, ID of the Charts on the Grid are not updated.
That's why you have had this problem.
To solve the problem enough to re-open the grid.
Please let us know if for any reason the problem reproduced after re-open the grid.
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