Range bar bleeds memory massively, and LMAX chart data v slo
This platform is unuseable with range charts and Lmax real account. The chart takes ages to load up (and gets progressively slower through out the day, starting with a delay of say just 30 seconds first thing in the morning, but by late in the day, after multiple reboots the data never loads, and my PC crashes due to low memory.
Even when I close the range bar chart, (so have no charts open) the memory leak continues until about 12gb are used by PTMC and the system hangs. I have a new system Intel Skylake i5 with 16gb ddr4 ram Windows 10 64 bit, and fibreoptic broadband. Charts to follow with task manager open to show memory use after 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes shortly before crashing.
Hello, Carl!
Thank's for your feedback.
Unfortunately, we can't reproduce this problem. Do you have TeamViewer? We want to see, how slowly working LMAX chart data on your PC and try to help you.