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Represents a collection of all system indicators.


iAC (HistoricalData data) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator AC.
iAD (HistoricalData data) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator AD.
iADX (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: iADX Returns an instance of the class iADX, which calculates the value of the indicator ADX.
iADX (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode) Return: iADX Returns an instance of the class iADX, which calculates the value of the indicator ADX.
iADX (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: iADX Returns an instance of the class iADX, which calculates the value of the indicator ADX.
iAlligator (HistoricalData data, int jaw_period, int jaw_shift, int teeth_period, int teeth_shift, int lips_period, int lips_shift, MAMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: iAlligator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator Alligator.
iAO (HistoricalData data) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator AO.
iATR (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator ATR.
iATR (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator ATR.
iBands (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: iBands Returns an instance of the class iBands, which calculates the value of the indicator Bands.
iBands (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode) Return: iBands Returns an instance of the class iBands, which calculates the value of the indicator Bands.
iBands (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, double deviation) Return: iBands Returns an instance of the class iBands, which calculates the value of the indicator Bands.
iBands (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, double deviation, PriceType priceType) Return: iBands Returns an instance of the class iBands, which calculates the value of the indicator Bands.
iBands (Func<int, double> func, int period, MAMode mode, double deviation) Return: iBands Returns an instance of the class iBands, which calculates the value of the indicator Bands.
iBearsPower (HistoricalData data, int period, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator BearsPower.
iBullsPower (HistoricalData data, int period, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator BullsPower.
iBWMFI (HistoricalData data) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator BWFI.
iCCI (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator CCI.
iCCI (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator CCI.
iCCI (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator CCI.
iCCI (Func<int, double> func, int period, MAMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator CCI.
iCustom (string name, HistoricalData data, object[] arguments) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of a custom indicator.
iDeMarker (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator DeMarker.
iEnvelopes (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, double deviation, PriceType priceType) Return: iEnvelopes Returns an instance of the class iEnvelopes, which calculates the value of the indicator Envelopes.
iEnvelopes (Func<int, double> func, int period, MAMode mode, double deviation) Return: iEnvelopes Returns an instance of the class iEnvelopes, which calculates the value of the indicator Envelopes.
iForce (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator Force.
iFractals (HistoricalData data) Return: iFractals Returns an instance of the class iFractals, which calculates the value of the indicator Fractel.
iGator (HistoricalData data, int jaw_period, int jaw_shift, int teeth_period, int teeth_shift, int lips_period, int lips_shift, MAMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: iGator Returns an instance of the class iGator, which calculates the value of the indicator Gator.
iIchimoku (HistoricalData data, int tenkan_sen, int kijun_sen, int senkou_span) Return: iIchimoku Returns an instance of the class iIchimoku, which calculates the value of the indicator Ichimoku.
iMA (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator MA.
iMA (Func<int, double> func, int period, MAMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator MA.
iMA (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, int ma_shift, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator MA.
iMA (Func<int, double> func, int period, MAMode mode, int ma_shift) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator MA.
iMACD (HistoricalData data, int fast_ema_period, int slow_ema_period, int signal_period) Return: iMACD Returns an instance of the class iMACD, which calculates the value of the indicator MACD.
iMACD (HistoricalData data, int fast_ema_period, int slow_ema_period, int signal_period, PriceType priceType) Return: iMACD Returns an instance of the class iMACD, which calculates the value of the indicator MACD.
iMFI (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator MFI.
iMomentum (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator Momentum.
iMomentum (HistoricalData data, int period, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator Momentum.
iMomentum (Func<int, double> func, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator Momentum.
InitIndicator (NETIndicator netIndicator, HistoricalData data, object[] arguments) Return: void Init instance of NETIndicator.
iOBV (HistoricalData data, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator OBV.
iOsMA (HistoricalData data, int fast_ema_period, int slow_ema_period, int signal_period, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator OsMA.
iRSI (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator RSI.
iRSI (HistoricalData data, int period, RSIMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator RSI.
iRSI (HistoricalData data, int period, RSIMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator RSI.
iRSI (Func<int, double> func, int period, RSIMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator RSI.
iRVI (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: iRVI Returns an instance of the class iRVI, which calculates the value of the indicator RVI.
iRVI (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode) Return: iRVI Returns an instance of the class iRVI, which calculates the value of the indicator RVI.
iSAR (HistoricalData data, double step, double koefficient) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator SAR.
iStdDev (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator StdDev.
iStdDev (HistoricalData data, int period, MAMode mode, int ma_shift, PriceType priceType) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class iRVI, which calculates the value of the indicator StdDev.
iStdDev (Func<int, double> func, int period, MAMode mode) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator StdDev.
iStochastic (HistoricalData data, int kperiod, int dperiod, int slowing, MAMode mode) Return: iStochastic Returns an instance of the class iStochastic, which calculates the value of the indicator Stochastic.
iWPR (HistoricalData data, int period) Return: Indicator Returns an instance of the class Indicator, which calculates the value of the indicator WPR.
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