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Represents a collection of all instruments in system and their events.


Current Instrument Gets currently selected instrument.


GetInstrument (string name) Return: Instrument Gets an Instrument that represents the access to instrument objects specifiedby by instrument name.
GetInstrument (string symbol, string route) Return: Instrument Retruns an Instrument that represents the access to instrument objects specifiedby by instrument symbol and route.
GetInstrument (string symbol, string route, DateTime expirationDate) Return: Instrument Gets an Instrument that represents the access to instrument objects specifiedby by instrument symbol, route and expiration date.
GetInstruments () Return: Instrument[] Gets array with all active Instrument items.
GetOptionInstruments (OptionSeries series) Return: List Gets option's instruments collection synchronously
GetOptionInstrumentsAsync (OptionSeries series) Return: Task Gets option's instruments collection asynchronously
GetOptionSeries (Instrument underlier) Return: List Retrieves option's series collection synchronously
GetOptionSeriesAsync (Instrument underlier) Return: Task Retrieves option's series collection asynchronously
GetSortedInstrumentNames (bool onlyTradable) Return: string[] Gets the array sorted by name, with names of all available Instrument.
GetSortedInstruments () Return: Instrument[] Gets the array with all active Instrument items sorted by name.
Subscribe (Instrument instrument, QuoteTypes types) Return: bool The Subscribe method is used to create a subscription to a resource. This method is used to specify the details about the event to be monitored: what instrument use to monitored; what the type of quotes use will be subscribe.
Unsubscribe (Instrument instrument, QuoteTypes types) Return: bool The Unsubscribe operation is used to end a pull subscription. The Unsubscribe element contains the parameters used to unsubscribe from a subscription.


InstrumentAdded Occurs when the new instrument is coming.
NewLevel2 Occurs when the new level2 quote by subscribed instrument is coming.
NewQuote Occurs when the new Level1 quote by subscribed instrument is coming.
NewTrade Occurs when the new trade quote by subscribed instrument is coming.
PTMC is a professional trading platform that combines all the best charting and analytical tools to trade on different financial markets. It is developed by PFSOFT UK LTD, a global provider of trading technology for banks & brokers
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