Fibonacci numbers/levels colour/font change
The ability to change the colour/font size of Fibonacci numbers/levels would be appreciated.
Serge Lendich 04.05.2016
Hi o.birrell.
You about separately change each levels properties?
What is it for?
Serge. -
Ollie Birrell 05.05.2016
Yes. I think it would be helpful if you could increase the font size, and also have the ability to have individual colours for each fibonacci level. So all levels/settings are completely customisable and unique. Hope this explains it better.
Andrew Cole 29.05.2016
Great idea - I use multiple Fibs, so the ability to have different Fibs with different colors and fonts and labels - Monthly Fib, Daily Fib. Having labels next to the Fib levels is needed for this.
Also the ability to save these settings so you can customise a library of Fib settings.
Ollie Birrell 09.06.2016
Hi Serge,
Many thanks for the release of the custom fib settings.
Would it possibly to take this a step further and have the ability to save a number of custom fib settings as Andrew has pointed out above? I.e sometimes I use extensions and external retracement, and other times I just purely want fibs that range from 0-100 etc. It would be great if you had the ability to save a range of custom fib settings that could easily be selected as and when required. This would make the process a lot more user friendly and quicker. As it stands I pull the fibs with extensions and retracements saved and then delete as necessary, but the ability to save custom individual settings would be much appreciated.
How this makes sense.
I look forward to your thoughts.