Pivot points displayed directly on charts.
Pivots points are fairly standard on most platforms and it would be something appreciated by many traders I'm sure. The ability to add pivots directly to the chart and the ability to customise the timeframe would be greatly appreciated. I.e London open/midnight pivots, New York open/midnight pivots.
PTMC Support 15.06.2016
Hello, Birrell Ollie!
Thank you for your request.We have already added Pivot Point indicator.
You cad find it by this way:
Open chart -> context menu -> indicators -> add indicator -> in field <search> type: pivotpoint.
Regards, Support PTMC.
Ollie Birrell 20.10.2016
Would it be possibly for you to add mid pivots to this indicator please? The ability to change them London pivots and remove the price tags would also be greatly appreciated. The indicator is very limited with regards to customisation. To add the R1, R2 labels would also be a great addition.