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PTMC team 07.03 2016

PTMC for 64-bit system is now available!

PTMC trading platform for 64-bit systems

We are pleased to introduce the update of the PTMC trading platform for 64-bit systems. This version is especially useful for those traders, whose trading style requires more system resources usage. Also it brings even more important benefits:

  • PTMC platform gives the ability to use much more charts, panels, tools and different modules simultaneously without any difficulties.
  • For users with high-performance system requirements, 64-bit system allows processing the big amount of data needed to create various algorithmic trading systems.
  • More effective usage of memory allows using the entire memory resources (RAM) of the computer to track a high number of active symbols. It’s mean that you’ll forget about frequent error “Out of memory”.

Just download PTMC 64-bit and increase your trading efficiency!

Regards, PTMC team

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PTMC is a professional trading platform that combines all the best charting and analytical tools to trade on different financial markets. It is developed by PFSOFT UK LTD, a global provider of trading technology for banks & brokers
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