Gets access to all user parameters.
public User User { get; }
An object ‘User’ for the currently selected account is created in the next example. An object ‘User’ provides access to all the user properties.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using PTLRuntime.NETScript;
namespace UserProperties
public class UserProperties : NETStrategy
Account myAcc; //creation of the object 'Account'.
User myUser;//creation of the object 'User'.
public override void Init()
myAcc = Accounts.Current; //initialization of the currently used account.
myUser = myAcc.User; //User initialization.
//outputting of all the 'User' properties.
"\nLogin :\t" + myUser.Login+
"\nId :\t" + myUser.Id+
"\nEmail :\t" + myUser.Email+
"\nFirstName :\t"+myUser.FirstName+
"\nMiddleName :\t"+myUser.MiddleName+
"\nLastName :\t"+myUser.LastName+
"\nTelephoneNumber :\t"+myUser.TelephoneNumber+
"\nClientType :\t"+myUser.ClientType+
"\nIsBroker :\t"+myUser.IsBroker
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Account methods
- FormatValue (double value)
- GetBalance (string assetName)
- GetBeginBalance (string assetName)
- GetBlockedBalance (string assetName)
- GetCashBalance (string assetName)
- GetCredit (string assetName)
- GetCrossPrice ()
- GetHashCode ()
- GetInitMargin (Instrument instrument, double amount, Operation operation)
- GetInvestedFundCapital (string assetName)
- GetMaintanceMargin (string assetName)
- GetMaintMargin (Instrument instrument, double amount, Operation operation)
- GetMarginAvailable (string assetName)
- GetMarginDeficiency (string assetName)
- GetMarginForOrders (string assetName)
- GetMarginForPositions (string assetName)
- GetMarginSurplus (string assetName)
- GetProfitGross (Currency curr)
- GetProfitNet (Currency curr)
- GetReservedBalance (string assetName)
- GetStatusText ()
- GetTodayFees (string assetName)
- GetTodayNet (string assetName)
- GetTodayTrades (string assetName)
- GetTodayVolume (string assetName)
- IsAllowed (Function rule)
- IsVisible (Rule rule)
- Transfer (Account targetAccount, double amount)
Account properties
- AdditionalAccountInfo
- Balance
- BeginBalance
- BlockedBalance
- CashBalance
- Credit
- Currency
- CurrentPammCapital
- Equity
- Id
- InvestedFundCapital
- IsDemo
- IsInvestor
- IsLocked
- IsMasterAccount
- IsReal
- Leverage
- MaintanceMargin
- MarginAvailable
- MarginDeficiency
- MarginForOrders
- MarginForPositions
- MarginSurplus
- MarginTotal
- Name
- OpenOrdersAmount
- OpenOrdersCount
- OpenPositionsAmount
- OpenPositionsCount
- OpenPositionsExposition
- ReservedBalance
- Status
- StopReason
- TodayFees
- TodayNet
- TodayTrades
- TodayVolume
- Type
Account events