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Contains all Account information.


AdditionalAccountInfo Dictionary Gets additional account information
Balance double Gets current balance of the account.
BeginBalance double Gets balance at the beginning of the day
BlockedBalance double Gets balance locked by broker or by user for withdrawal. Is always 0 in AlgoStudio.
CashBalance double Gets sum of all settled account operations. Is always 0 in AlgoStudio.
Credit double Gets money that the broker lends to the user. Is always 0 in AlgoStudio.
Currency string Gets base currency of account. Account CCY is always equal to the server CCY in AlgoStudio
CurrentPammCapital double Gets your current capital available in the fund (taking in the consideration the current share price). Is always 0 in AlgoStudio.
Equity double Gets current equity (balance plus unrealized profit).
Id string Gets account unique code.
InvestedFundCapital double Gets the sum that has been blocked from the account for participation in a fund(s). Is always 0 in AlgoStudio.
IsDemo bool Return true if account is demo.In AlgoStudio is always false.
IsInvestor bool Returns true if account is Fund investor. In AlgoStudio is always false.
IsLocked bool Return true if account is locked. In AlgoStudio is always false.
IsMasterAccount bool Returns true if account is PAMM master. In AlgoStudio is always false.
IsReal bool Return true if account is real. In AlgoStudio is always false.
Leverage double Gets ratio of total mortgage lending in total.
MaintanceMargin double Gets the maintenance margin in account currency.
MarginAvailable double Gets margin available to trade.
MarginDeficiency double Gets how much draw-down by positions less than maintenance level.
MarginForOrders double Gets margin used to handle open orders. Unsupported in AlgoStudio, is always 0.
MarginForPositions double Gets margin used to handle open positions.
MarginSurplus double Gets surplus of margin.
MarginTotal double Gets all used margin. In percent.
Name string Obtaining account name.
OpenOrdersAmount double Gets amount of all pending orders.
OpenOrdersCount int Gets number of pending orders currently placed.
OpenPositionsAmount double Gets amount of all currently opened positions.
OpenPositionsCount int Gets number of positions currently opened.
OpenPositionsExposition double Gets position's exposition in account currency.
ReservedBalance double Gets current cash position for the account. It's a sum of all settled account operations minus negative unsettled account operations. It's equal to the Account Balance if there is no settlement cycle. Is always 0 in AlgoStudio.
Status TradingStatus Gets the trade status of the account. In AlgoStudio is always Active.
StopReason StopTradingReason Gets reason why trading is stopped on account. In AlgoStudio is always NotStopped.
TodayFees double Gets fees paid today.
TodayNet double Gets total profit or loss realized from positions today.
TodayTrades int Gets number of trades made for today.
TodayVolume double Gets total volume traded for today.
Type AccountType Retrieves account's type.
User User Gets access to all user parameters.


FormatValue (double value) Return: string Cuts the number of digits to a standard balance dimension.
GetBalance (string assetName) Return: double Gets balance
GetBeginBalance (string assetName) Return: double Gets beginning balance
GetBlockedBalance (string assetName) Return: double Gets blocked balanse
GetCashBalance (string assetName) Return: double Gets cash balance
GetCredit (string assetName) Return: double Gets credit
GetCrossPrice () Return: double Gets cross price to convert account currency to server currency.
GetHashCode () Return: int Returns a hash code of current Asset object
GetInitMargin (Instrument instrument, double amount, Operation operation) Return: double Returns initial margin value.
GetInvestedFundCapital (string assetName) Return: double Gets investor fund capital
GetMaintanceMargin (string assetName) Return: double Gets maintance margin
GetMaintMargin (Instrument instrument, double amount, Operation operation) Return: double Gets maint margin
GetMarginAvailable (string assetName) Return: double Gets available margin
GetMarginDeficiency (string assetName) Return: double Gets margin deficiency
GetMarginForOrders (string assetName) Return: double Gets margin for orders
GetMarginForPositions (string assetName) Return: double Gets margin for positions
GetMarginSurplus (string assetName) Return: double Gets margin surplus
GetProfitGross (Currency curr) Return: double Gets Profit/Loss (without swaps or commissions) all calculations based on the current broker's price. It shows the profit/loss you will make if you close the positions at the current price.
GetProfitNet (Currency curr) Return: double Gets Profit/loss calculated on the base of the current broker's price. It shows the profit/loss you will make if you close the positions at the current price.
GetReservedBalance (string assetName) Return: double Gets reserved balance
GetStatusText () Return: string Returns formatted trade status for displaying.
GetTodayFees (string assetName) Return: double Gets today fees
GetTodayNet (string assetName) Return: double Returns today's net value.
GetTodayTrades (string assetName) Return: int Gets today trades
GetTodayVolume (string assetName) Return: double Gets today volume
IsAllowed (Function rule) Return: bool Determines the accessibility of trade operations and data.
IsVisible (Rule rule) Return: bool Determines the panels' visibility in the client application. In AlgoStudio all rules are false.
Transfer (Account targetAccount, double amount) Return: bool Transfer the part of the current account's balance to another visible account


Update Occurs when something is changed in account. The most frequent cause of update is cross price changing.
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