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PTMC team 15.08 2016

CROSS TRADE 2016 Championship

Hello, Protraders!

It's a great day to announce CROSS TRADE 2016 - the first online trading championship on PTMC trading platform. This is a truly significant event for us and You, our beloved PTMC fan.


Discovering the world by playing is an engaging process, that’s why we decided to organize the great game for our community. We don't want you to risk your money, but we give you the chance to win real cash prizes. All you need is to register in CROSS TRADE 2016 and earn the biggest profit while the champ is held. Yes, it is so easy. No risks, just fun and... real money!

The championship is based on some rules, such as:

  • Free participation (NO purchase or entry fee);
  • Risk-free trading (DEMO accounts, based on high-end Protrader back-end technology);
  • Real-time FOREX data (a set of most popular Forex and CFD instruments);
  • No loss-limits (you can drop and recover until margin call);
  • Real cash prizes (win - receive - spend).

Registration and verification process has some points to be taken into account. As we are not a broker, we don't have a truly verified database of traders, but we want to trust our participants. That’s why we ask all winners to provide us their identity documents. If document data and data provided by participants during the registration coincide, prize money will be sent to their credit cards.

We aim at your long term cooperation with our community and are very glad to have as much reliable friends among traders as possible.

Can’t wait to see Your name in CROSS TRADE 2016 participants and winners list.

Have not tried PTMC yet? There is no better way to boost knowledge than to use it! Start trading with PTMC now!

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PTMC is a professional trading platform that combines all the best charting and analytical tools to trade on different financial markets. It is developed by PFSOFT UK LTD, a global provider of trading technology for banks & brokers
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