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PTMC team 04.11 2016

Receive more profit by PTMC Referral Program

PTMC offers new opportunities for an additional income - Referral Program! From now, each and every trader can get revenue for engaging friends in enjoyable trading with PTMC platform.

PTMC Referral Program

How does this program work?

We have added a new tab in PTMC personal profile called “Referral Program”, where you can get the most detailed information about how this program works, as well as read related Agreement conditions of this program.

Each and every trader registering on the site by following such referral link is considered to be a Referral attracted by an Agent, who has provided him with the referral link. Every time a Referral buys license for PTMC software, the agent gets deposited respective referral revenue.

PTMC Referral Program scheme

All is needed to start getting additional income is to:

  • Register on our website;
  • Follow Referral Program tab in your personal profile;
  • Read the general information about Referral Program and click the button “Participate” at the bottom of the page;
  • Read and accept Referral Program Agreement;
  • Get your individual referral link.

Just with completing these few simple steps you become a Referral Partner and get revenue for each trader you refer.

How much can I earn by attracting referrals?

Percentage of a referral revenue directly depends on a total number of referrals that an agent attracts in the whole:

PTMC. Percentage of a referral revenue

When can I receive revenue for my referrals?

For the moment, the Program has been released and agents can already start attracting referrals. Withdrawal of a revenue will be available as soon as PTMC trading software is provided on a paid basis. Trading software sales are expected to start on the 1st of January, 2017.

Have not tried PTMC yet? There is no better way to boost knowledge than to use it! Start trading with PTMC now!

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PTMC is a professional trading platform that combines all the best charting and analytical tools to trade on different financial markets. It is developed by PFSOFT UK LTD, a global provider of trading technology for banks & brokers
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