Exchanges work time plug-in
Trading volume and volatility change are used for different assets depending on the movement of the clock hands. You will be able to trade more effectively if you know what assets are available in the spotlight at one time or another.
Knowing that the exchange may overlap each other on the running time, the trader can develop a successful trading strategy. This strategy will take into account changes of market activity in different exchange assets, depending on the different periods of time.Do not miss trading opportunities during the hours that you work!
- Vertical Drag&Drop of stripes.
- Alerts on defined time or some event.
- Detailed information for Exchanges (transfer to official website).
Be free to let us know in the comments about what you think of this feature!
Please use this manual "How to install trade Plug-in to PTMC trading platform"

- Tom 02.10.2016
Hi, I have a trouble to install this indicator. How can I do it?
PTMC Support 03.10.2016
Hi, Tom!
It is not indicator. It's plug-in.In order to load plug-in into the PTMC, you should:1. Download and unpack ZIP archive. Select files in "bin/x86" ("bin/x64" for 64 bit version) folder.2. Copy files to ProtradeMC plug-ins folder: "My Documents\ProtraderMC\My plug-ins."After that the plug-in will appear in the PTMC. -
Steve 21.07.2017Hi,
Thanks for this plugin, I love it but after installation and going into its settings after I remove dozens of unwanted exchanges from the list by unchecking their names, they all do appear again after each restart of the PTMC app. How to have my settings saved?
Kolomiets Nazar 24.07.2017Hi, Steve!
I had updated the previous plugin version:
- added a settings saving (each time when workspace had saved by a terminal or manually);
- advanced Menu Item Selections (you can select the whole group by clicking on its name);
- some performance fixes;
You are free to try it right now!
- added a settings saving (each time when workspace had saved by a terminal or manually);
Steve 09.08.2017
Hi Kolomiets,
Thank you so much for this plugin, that you have shared your amazing work with us!
Sorry that I did not reply earlier, I am new here and I did not receive notification of your reply, but I noticed it yesterday. I immediately installed this new updated version and it perfectly works, saves the customized list in between app relaunches! ;)
Your plugin is priceless for such neewbie traders like me, as we are not yet familiar with the opening/closing times of exchanges and anyway when you trade you loose sense of time so your plugin is extremely useful! It is always open on my screen, I keep an eye on it.
Remark: the "drag and drop" feature is not working, neither any alerts that I could find.
Hint: Maybe a countdown timer would be great to have on each lines to see how many minutes to go till closing...?Cheers,
Steve -
Kolomiets Nazar 09.08.2017
Hi, Steve!
Thank you for this great feedback!
Sorry for the unwanted doubt. I only had mentioned how this plugin can be upgraded. The features list - are possible items that can be added if you will ask for them after using a base realization.
Thereby, Do you want to use this features? And what features do you want to have first?))
Steve 09.08.2017Hi,
Ah I see!Regarding the suggested "drag and drop" feature I think it would be a nice feature for many of us, we could reorder the list of exchanges based on custom concepts (country, continent and so on). But I do not see this as a priority need.
Customizable audible alarms and visual -stripes and/or top of the plugin window) alarms would be a fantastic feature! I would also add some also customizable countdown feature as well which we could enable/disable and set alarm times stripe by stripe. I can imagine the given stripes start blinking in grey color and a sound also alerts when the given exchange is about to open and close within user set times.
Besides, I would suggest to remove the time scale from the top as it becomes messy when you resize the window (to tiny one as I do) and I would rather permanently display the open/close times before/after the stripes (which currently pops up when you hover over the stripe). Thus it would be more time efficient for traders. And I would use that top part of the window where the time scale is now for various alert control and display.
Thank you again! This exchanges plugin is more helpful, beneficial than any indicator because the strongest volatility/liquidity changing factor is the exchange open/close (and wars etc).