Order Book volume lines to be extended in Order flow surface
When you are watching the Order flow surface chart, the current Order Book volumes and the historical (past) volumes are not well separated and the trader barely can see the current volume changes and sense the dynamics of the forming market. The beginning part of the volume lines use way too small space for representation of the current Order Book volumes. There are plenty of blank space between the price scale and the volume lines that could be used for better and much faster visualization of the current volume changes.
As it is now the "slow" visualization using just a tiny space results a
lost 5-10 second for the trader to respond to the market.
Requested solution:
Please extend the lines toward the price scale, so that the current Order Book volumes are clearly seen in a highlighted/extended way (in any zoom level) and the trader can immediately (much earlier) respond to the market changes.
Also, please "flash" the beginning section of the newly forming volumes and/or the corresponding "volume numbers" (similar to the Scalper)
Note: This is how it looks like in Bookmap "heatmap" as well.

Support team 1
colosistvan 1
Rafael Anthony 1
Igor 1
Steve 24.08.2017