Broker independent, trader (client) side TP and SL limits
Some of the brokers can see TP/SL limits which none of us wants... while some others simply do not provide this feature for PTMC platform.
For example, you cannot use TP/SL limit feature with DirectFX. Anyone likes their Stop Loss limits to be slayered by the automatic bots of traders...?
Please make it possible to quickly add CLIENT (trader) side TP and SL limits (visually and by right click menu on a position using user customizable tick values) and also to set preset ticks as TP limits to be automatically added to opened positions, so these TP/SL limits would not sit on broker/PTMC servers, but it would work as an automatic "close position" feature which would get triggered at the set TP/SL limit (with customizable offset/slippage). Besides, this way these TP/SL limits will be hidden/stealth from the broker and its liquidity providers as well...
Such is already available for Meta platform, see more here: