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Burhay Vlad Burhay Vlad 02.03.2017

FishGills indicator

Have you ever tried fishing? Some people may compare it to trading, as fisher actually does same thing as trader, tries to pull out fish, which means profit to trader. While a new trader is counting mostly on their luck in the market, missing a bunch of fundamental and technical analysis, pro-traders are all geared up with profound tools to catch up trend first avoiding false signals. It is a matter of experience to transit to a premium league. Nevertheless, FishGills indicator is out for PTMC community. It means all users could trade as Western experts in the stock market. Back in MetaQuotes community, some users reference FishGills calculation as tool which predicts the beginning and end of a trend with 90% accuracy. Well definitely it is true as far as trader reads signals correctly. FishGills is a customizable tool allowing you to trace trend and filter false signals especially on higher time frames. It is also possible to use smoothing average line with advance algorithms, which could serve as filter or trade trigger. Grab it, and go fishing!!!

FishGills for PTMC

02.03.2017 140
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  • BeardPower 02.03.2017
  • Burhay Vlad 02.03.2017
  • Burhay Vlad 13.03.2017
  • Burhay Vlad 21.03.2017
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