HiLo Indicator
PTMC terminal is a perfect environment to build a market success, as it delivers a variety of options to grasp a better focus on the price movement. HiLo is an indicator which is build to excel existing diversity of line types presented in the client. It is sort of regular line with ladder format. HiLo is build on High/Low values of the previous bar with visualisation depending on the price priority. This feature is widely spread among trader from Latin America, hope this tool will benefit PTMC community as well.
Luis Antonio Silva Junior 28.06.2017
In profitchart is easy to setup a "n" periods hilo but this one has 2 parameters how to setup a standard 13 periods hilo with this indicator?
Burhay Vlad 03.07.2017
If you use SMA or EMA, the smoothing parameter has no influence. So smoothing depth is the one you need for point out standard 13 periods.
Burhay Vlad 17.07.2017
You can use iCustom method to retirieve values! Even though Hilo lines are drawn with Graphics it still mantains NETIndicator data series, so you could use GetValue method in any strategy just like other common indicators.
Claudecir Santos 06.09.2017Importante frisar que para conseguir inserir o indicador no ProTrader é necessário descompactar os arquivos e indicar para importar apenas o arquivo HiLo.DLL, ele estará na pasta BIN\x86 ou BIN\x64, onde o primeiro é para aplicativos com 32 bits e o segundo para aplicativos 64 bits, no caso dos usuários do Corretora Modal Brasil será a versão 32 bits a ser utilizada.