Chart bugs
If any occurs-
Issues with new version 1.0.53 Started by AminderG 24.10.20161895 17
Indicator line style changes when attached to chart Started by mail regit 13.10.20161485 1
Previous Close Line on Weekly Charts. Started by jeff.brice1 24.08.20171148 2
Renko with price line overlay, the overlay goes nuts :D Started by Steve 21.08.20171189 1
Renko chart going bananas after running for a while Started by Jédirfort Houessionon 12.07.20171180 3
Missing Indicator for a Day Started by tmfdouglas 08.03.20171575 6
Advanced Renko bars are not plotting correctly Started by BeardPower 23.02.20171509 2
Cannot edit indicator using your directions Started by mail regit 15.08.20161678 3
1.0.111 indicator colors changed Started by mail regit 18.01.20171440 4
Chart randomly looks strange. Started by andrew 26.10.20161588 1
Bars do not update Started by mail regit 15.08.20161767 7
Indicators: NOT VISIBLE not retained Started by mail regit 23.08.20161530 1
MONTHLY CHART NOT SYNCED WITH OTHER CHARTS Started by mail regit 12.09.20161546 3
Time Frame Buttons Broken Started by andrew 24.08.20161676 3