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Provides the ability to create historical data request.


DataType DataType Defines the data type in created historical data request.
Extension double Defines Extension, % only for Renko Advanced mode
HistoryMode BarsAggregations Defines special style of building history. Use only for Renko and PnF.
HistorySize int Defines special parameter for historical type.
HistoryType HistoryType Defines the history building type in created historical data request.
Instrument Instrument Defines the Instrument in created historical data request.
Inversion double Defines Inversion, % only for Renko Advanced mode
Period int Defines the period of historical elements.
Reversal int The amount of price movement required to shift a chart to the right. This condition is used on charts that only take into consideration price movement instead of both price and time


HistoricalDataRequest () Constructor for historical data request with default parameters.
HistoricalDataRequest (Instrument instrument, int period) Constructor for historical data request with instrument and period input parameters.
HistoricalDataRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType) Constructor for historical data request with instrument, period and dataType input parameters.
HistoricalDataRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType, HistoryType historyType, int historySize, int reversal, BarsAggregations mode) Constructor for historical data request with all input parameters.
HistoricalDataRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType, HistoryType historyType, int historySize, int reversal, BarsAggregations mode, double extension, double inversion) Constructor for historical data request with all possible input parameters, including special params for Renko Advanced mode.
HistoricalDataRequest (HistoricalDataRequest source) Creates a historical data request for history requested before.
HistoricalDataRequest (HistoricalData source) Creates a historical data request for history from HistoricalData object.


Clone () Return: object Creates a new request that is a copy of the current request.
GetKagiRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType, int reversal) Return: HistoricalDataRequest Create request to Kagi history type.
GetLineBreakRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType, int lineBreaks) Return: HistoricalDataRequest Create request to Line Break history type.
GetPnFRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType, int size, int reversal, BarsAggregations style) Return: HistoricalDataRequest Create request to PnF history type.
GetPriceRangeRequest (Instrument instrument, DataType dataType, int value) Return: HistoricalDataRequest Create request to Price Range history type.
GetRenkoRequest (Instrument instrument, int period, DataType dataType, int brickSize, BarsAggregations style) Return: HistoricalDataRequest Create request to Renko history type.
GetTickAggregationRequest (Instrument instrument, DataType dataType, int ticCount) Return: HistoricalDataRequest Create request to Tick history type. Data can be aggregated for specified number of ticks.
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