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The base class for the .NET scripts


NetScriptCache NetScriptCache Кеш основных данных, для производительности Используется Platform


Accounts IAccountsCollection Represents access to collection of all available accounts.
Ask double Last Ask for the current instrument
Author string The author of the script
Bid double Last bid for the current instrument
Comments string The full name of the script
Company string The autor's company
Copyrights string The copyrights string
CurrentChart Chart Represents access to the current Chart.
CurrentData HistoricalData Represent access to currently download historical data.
DateOfCreation string The date when the script was created
DrawSection bool[] Gets the merging style for indicator's line
ExpirationDate long The expiration date for trial version. 0 when expiration not specified
Fills FillsCollection Represents access to collection of all today fills.
HistogrammStyle int[] Gets the style of histogramm
Id Guid ID индикатора
Indicators IndicatorsCollection Represents access to collection of all indicators.
Instruments InstrumentsCollection Represents access to collection of all available instruments.
LineColor int[] Gets the color of indicator's line
LineNames string[] Gets the name of indicator's line
LinesCount int Returns how many lines this indicator has
LineStyles int[] Gets the style of indicator's line
LineTimeShift List Gets the time shift of indicator's line
LineVisible bool[] Indicator; Gets the visible for indicator's line
LineWidth int[] Gets the width of indicator's line
LineYFactor List Gets the Y-factor of indicator's line
Orders OrdersCollection Represents access to collection of all available orders.
Password string The password for the script. Must be encrypted by the GetHashedPassword function
Performance Performance Represents access to statistical parameters of strategy.
Point double The current symbol point value in the quote currency;
Positions PositionsCollection Represents access to collection of all available positions.
ProjectName string The name of the script
Refreshing bool Gets true when indicator is refreshed now;
SeparateWindow bool When sets to true the indicator will be displayed in the separate chart window
SingleThreadEvents bool Returns true when events should be called in the main processing thread, otherwise returns false (default). Directly event processing is faster, but may affect application performance, use it on your own risk Always returns true in backtesting.
SymbolCode int[] Gets the symbols's code for symbol-styled indicator
Version string The version of the script


Alert (object[] args) Return: void Shows all given params in message screen;
ClearMarkers (int line) Return: void Fully clears markers from line
Comment (object[] args) Return: void Shows data in the chart window;
Complete () Return: void This function will be called before removing.
ConvertUTCTimeToSelectedTimeZone (DateTime timeUTC) Return: DateTime Convert UTC time to selected time zone;
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, long dueTime, long period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, uint dueTime, uint period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
GetHistoricalData (HistoricalDataRequest request) Return: HistoricalData Represent access to created historical data request.
GetLastError () Return: int Returns the last error code; then this value will be zeroized;
GetLastErrorDescription () Return: string Returns the last error code; then this value will be zeroized;
GetValue (int line, int offset) Return: double Gets the value of indicator from internal buffer;
GetValue (int line) Return: double Gets the value calculated by indicator
IndicatorDigits (int digits) Return: void Sets precision format (the count of digits after decimal point) to visualize indicator values;
IndicatorShortName (string name) Return: void Sets the short name of a custom indicator to be shown in the DataWindow and in the chart subwindow;
Init () Return: void This function will be called after creating.
IsTesting () Return: bool Gets true if script was runned by tester;
NextBar () Return: void This function will be called after new bar will build.
OnPaintChart (object sender, PaintChartEventArgs args) Return: void Drawing char
OnQuote () Return: void Entry point. This function is called when new quote comes.
PlaySound (string fileName) Return: void Plays one of the standard sounds;
Print (object[] args) Return: void Stores the string in logs;
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack) Return: Thread Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack, object state) Return: Thread Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack, object state, ApartmentState apartmentState) Return: Thread Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script
RemoveMarker (int line, int offset, Color color) Return: void Removes redrawn parts of indicator's line within the interval set by offset
SendEmail (string address, string subject, string body, string filename) Return: void Sends a message via e-mail;
SendEmail (string address, string subject, string body) Return: void Sends a message via e-mail;
SendEmail (string subject, string body) Return: void Sends a message via e-mail;
SetCloud (int cloudNumber, int index, int lineNumber, double value, int color, GradientMode gradientMethod) Return: void Sets a value into clouds buffer;
SetCloud (int cloudNumber, int index, int lineNumber, double value, int color, GradientMode gradientMethod, int offset) Return: void Sets a value into clouds buffer;
SetCloud (int cloudNumber, int index, double value1, double value2, int color1, int color2, GradientMode gradientMethod) Return: void Sets the two values into clouds buffer;
SetCloud (int cloudNumber, int index, double value1, double value2, int color1, int color2, GradientMode gradientMethod, int offset) Return: void Sets the two values into clouds buffer;
SetIndexDrawBegin (int index, int drawBegin) Return: void Sets the bar number (from the data beginning) from which the drawing of the given indicator line must start;
SetIndexEmptyValue (int index, double value) Return: void Sets drawing line empty value;
SetIndicatorLine (string name, Color color, int width, LineStyle style) Return: void Sets the properties for a new indicator's line
SetLevelLine (string name, double level, Color color, int width, LineStyle style) Return: void Sets the horizontal line at the level of the Y-axis.
SetLevelLine (string name, double level) Return: void Sets the horizontal line at the level of the Y-axis.
SetLevelLine (int lineNumber, double level) Return: void Sets the horizontal line at the level of the Y-axis
SetLevelStyle (int draw_style, int line_width, int clr) Return: void The function sets a new style, width and color of horizontal levels of indicator to be output in a separate window;
SetLevelStyle (int levelIndex, int draw_style, int line_width, int clr) Return: void The function sets a new style, width and color for the specified horizontal level of indicator to be output in a separate window;
SetLevelValue (int index, double value) Return: void The function sets a value for a given horizontal level of the indicator to be output in a separate window;
SetMarker (int line, int offset, Color color) Return: void Redraws parts of indicator's line within the interval set by offset
SetValue (int line, int offset, double value) Return: void Sets the value of indicator into internal buffer;
SetValue (int line, double value) Return: void Sets the value calculated by indicator
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