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Represents the market data for Historical tick.


Count int Downloaded numbers of history elements.
DataType DataType Represent the history data type.
Extension double Extension, % for Renko Advanced Mode (Classical Mode is 100% default)
HistoryMode BarsAggregations Represent special style of building history. Use only for Renko and PnF.
HistorySize int Represent special parameter for different historical type.
HistoryType HistoryType Represent the history building type.
Instrument Instrument Represents the Instrument for selected historical data.
Inversion double Inversion, % for Renko Advanced Mode (Classical Mode is 100% default)
Loading bool Returns true when data is loading to the current HistoricalData instance
Period int Represent the period of historical elements.
Reversal int The amount of price movement required to shift a chart to the right. This condition is used on charts that only take into consideration price movement instead of both price and time.


Ask (int offset) Return: double The ask price of the required Historical tick.
Ask () Return: double The ask price of the last Historical tick.
AskSize (int offset) Return: double The volume of ask inside required Historical tick.
AskSize () Return: double The volume of ask inside last Historical tick.
BeginLoad (DateTime from, DateTime to) Return: bool Asynchronized loading custom data range. You must wait for the end of the loading before requesting again.
BeginLoad (DateTime from) Return: bool Asynchronized loading data range form custom time to current time. You must wait for the end of the loading before requesting again.
BeginLoad (DateTime from, DateTime to, HistoricalDataLoadParams historicalDataLoadParams) Return: bool --
Bid (int offset) Return: double The bid price of the required Historical tick.
Bid () Return: double The bid price of the last Historical tick.
BidSize (int offset) Return: double The volume of bid inside required Historical tick.
BidSize () Return: double The volume of bid inside last Historical tick.
FindInterval (DateTime time) Return: int Find historical element by time.
FindInterval (DateTime time, int from, int to) Return: int Find historical element by time in the selected range.
GetPrice (PriceType priceType, int offset) Return: double This function get price of the required Historical element.
GetPrice (PriceType priceType) Return: double This function get price of the last Historical element.
Highest (PriceType type, int start, int count) Return: int Returns bar index of highest price presented in history range of loaded history object.
Highest (PriceType type) Return: int Returns bar index of highest price presented in entire loaded history object.
Load (DateTime from, DateTime to) Return: bool Synchronized loading custom data range.
Load (DateTime from) Return: bool Synchronized loading data range form the specified time to the current.
Load (DateTime from, DateTime to, HistoricalDataLoadParams historicalDataLoadParams) Return: bool --
Lowest (PriceType type, int start, int count) Return: int Returns bar index of lowest price presented in history range of loaded history object.
Lowest (PriceType type) Return: int Returns bar index of lowest price presented in entire history of loaded history object.
Time (int offset) Return: DateTime Time (UTC) of required historical tick.
Time () Return: DateTime Time (UTC) of last historical tick.
Volume () Return: double Volume of Ticks for Bid/Ask based Historical data, or volume of Trades for Trade based Historical data.
Volume (int offset) Return: double Volume of Ticks for Bid/Ask based Historical data, or volume of Trades for Trade based Historical data.


AfterReload Occurs after downloading a range of hisorical data.
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