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This request is used for open new order.


Account Account Account that opened the order.
Amount double Value of the order in lots
Comment string Returns comment for the selected order.
ExpirationTime DateTime The date of expiration order (for GTD orders)
Instrument Instrument Represents the information of instrument for order request.
LinkTo string The ID of the order which current order is bound to; if the former is executed, the system cancels the latter. Uses by OCO, StopLoss, TakeProfit or TrStop orders
MagicNumber int Order magic number. May be used as user defined identifier.
MarketRange int Maximum price slippage for orders.
Price double Price at which the order is to be executed.
Side Operation Type of trade to be executed (BUY or SELL).
StopLossOffset double Set price level of stop loss order.
StopPrice double Stop Price for the StopLimit order.
TakeProfitOffset double Set price level of teke profit order.
TimeInForce TimeInForce Order's Time-in-force.
TrStopOffset double Set offset in points to Trailing Stop order.
Type OrdersType The type of order.


CreateBuyLimit (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type limit.
CreateBuyLimit (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, TimeInForce timeInForce) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type limit with time in force option.
CreateBuyLimit (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, DateTime expirationTime) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type limit with expiration time option.
CreateBuyMarket (Instrument instrument, double amount, Account account) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type market.
CreateBuyMarket (Instrument instrument, double amount, Account account, TimeInForce timeInForce) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type market with time in force option.
CreateBuyMarket (Instrument instrument, double amount, Account account, DateTime expirationTime) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type market with expiration time option.
CreateBuyStop (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type stop.
CreateBuyStop (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, TimeInForce timeInForce) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation buy and type stop with time in force option.
CreateBuyStop (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, DateTime expirationTime) Return: NewOrderRequest --
CreateSellLimit (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type limit.
CreateSellLimit (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, TimeInForce timeInForce) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type limit with time in force option.
CreateSellLimit (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, DateTime expirationTime) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type limit with expiration time option.
CreateSellMarket (Instrument instrument, double amount, Account account) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type market.
CreateSellMarket (Instrument instrument, double amount, Account account, TimeInForce timeInForce) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type market with time in force option.
CreateSellMarket (Instrument instrument, double amount, Account account, DateTime expirationTime) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type market with expiration time option.
CreateSellStop (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type stop.
CreateSellStop (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, TimeInForce timeInForce) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type stop with time in force option.
CreateSellStop (Instrument instrument, double amount, double price, Account account, DateTime expirationTime) Return: NewOrderRequest Initiates NewOrderRequest object with operation sell and type stop with expiration time option.
PTMC is a professional trading platform that combines all the best charting and analytical tools to trade on different financial markets. It is developed by PFSOFT UK LTD, a global provider of trading technology for banks & brokers
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