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Represent access to instrument information and properties.


AllowShortPositions bool Gets a value indicating whether short positions are available.
BaseCurrency Asset Base instrument part.
BaseName string Name of the base instrument. Returns the original future name for the future instrument, otherwise instrument's symbol
ChartType DataType Specify the default source type on which chart build (from Bid, Ask etc..)
Close double Main session's close price.
CounterCurrency Asset Counter instrument part.
CrossPrice double The cross price to convert instrument price to server currency.
Description string Detailed information about instrument.
FirstQuote Quote Represent access to first quote during current session by selected instrument. Beginning of the session is on the application started(if the instrument is trading at this time), or last known quote(if the instrument is not trading at this time).
High double Day's highest price.
HighLimit double Gets the high price limit to selected instrument. Can be mesured in price or in percent. If no limit, than return -1.
LastQuote Quote Represent access to last quote during current session by selected instrument. Beginning of the session is on the application started(if the instrument is trading at this time), or last known quote(if the instrument is not trading at this time).
LimitType LimitType Gets ths type of price limit.
LotSize int Amount of base asset for one lot.
LotStep double Step of the lot changes.
Low double Day's lowest price.
LowLimit double Gets the low price limit to selected instrument. Can be mesured in price or in percent. If no limit, than return -1.
MinimalLot double The smallest trade alowed in lot.
Name string Instrument's full name ("Symbol:Route")
Open double Day's open price.
PipsSize decimal The smallest price change that a given exchange rate can make. A fractional for Forex pip is equivalent to 1/10 of a pip.
Precision int Evaluates a unit of selected currency.
PrevClose double Previous day's close price.
QuoteDelay int Returns delay with which quote come in platform.
Route string Name of the liquidity provider for the instrument.
SwapBuy double Commission for Buy Swap (available only for Forex).
SwapModel SwapModel Returns type that should be taked to account during swaps calculations
SwapSell double Commission for Sell Swap (available only for Forex).
Symbol string Gets instrument symbol.
TickCost double The cost of the smallest price change in the quoted currency, per one lot Zero means TickCost is not specified and can be calcaulted as LotSize / TickSize
Ticks long Returns amount of incoming ticks per chosen instrument.
TickSize double Price minimal change.
TicksPostMarket long --
TicksPreMarket long --
TradingPositionMode TradingPosition Gets the position handling type applied to this instrument
TradingStatus TradingMode Current trading status for the instrument
Type InstrumentType Market category of the instrument.
UnderlierInstrument Instrument Represents the information of underlier instrument.
Volume double Total amount traded today for instrument with Last source type. Tick volume for instrument with Bid/Ask source type.
VolumePostMarket double --
VolumePreMarket double --


FormatPrice (double price) Return: string Changes the number to the format of the instrument price.
GetAdditionalValue (string fieldName) Return: string Returns additional insterument's value by its name or null if name isn't present
getAsksDepth () Return: Level2[] Show depth of market by ask price.
getBidsDepth () Return: Level2[] Show depth of market by bid price.
GetDerivativeSettings () Return: DerivativeSettings Returns derivative settings for derivative instrumnet
GetHashCode () Return: int Gets a hash code of instrument object.
GetLastTrade () Return: Trade Represent access to the last trade occurring from instrument.
GetMarginSettings () Return: MarginSettings Returns a MarginSettings that represents a access to all margin parameter by selected instrument.
GetPricesQuote () Return: PricesQuote Represent access to the last quote prices for this instrument.
GetTradingSessionActive () Return: TradingSession Retruns current session for selected instrument.
GetTradingSessions () Return: TradingSession[] All trading sessions specified for this instrument
getVWAPAsk (double amount) Return: double Calculates VWAP for buying the specified amount
getVWAPBid (double amount) Return: double Calculates VWAP for selling the specified amount
IsAllowableOrderType (OrdersType ordersType) Return: bool The function checks is specified order type allowable for the selected instrument.
IsAllowableTimeInForce (TimeInForce timeInForce, OrdersType ordersType) Return: bool The function checks is specified Time in Force for specified order type allowable for the selected instrument.
RoundPrice (double price) Return: double Rounding incoming price up to Tick Size.
RoundProfit (double profit) Return: double Rounding incoming profit. If Tick Size less or equal 0.01, then profit rounding to 0.01. If TickSize more then 0.01, then profit rounding to integer.


Update Occurs when something in instrument is changed
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